Message from the President

July 2024 update

Determination and action  to make Change / Naoki Ito President

Amid an era in which changes are required, we will steadily advance our medium-term management strategy "CHANGE: Nichi-Innovation 2026" ahead, which will lead to the sustained improvement of corporate value.


Overview of Business Results / Over the Period to Endure a Difficult Business Environment

In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 (2023.04.01 to 2024.03.31 and thereafter), the outlook for the global economy remained uncertain due to factors such as the prolonged Ukraine problem and high raw materials and energy prices caused by the yen's depreciation, as well as the economic slowdown in China. As a result, the plan was forced to be revised at the end of the second quarter. We sincerely apologize to our shareholders for any inconvenience.

Beginning in the third quarter, the Japanese automotive industry, which is the Group's main customer industry, has performed well in conjunction with improved supply, and both domestic and overseas sales have increased over the previous year's level. This has begun to show signs of recovery in the Group's performance. Against this backdrop, we achieved profitability on ordinary income for the full fiscal year, thanks in part to cost-containment measures.

Outlook for the next fiscal year / Transforming the signs of recovery into concrete results

Under the "CHANGE NICHINOVATION2026" medium-term management strategy launched in the previous fiscal year to promote our management philosophy of creating new value and contributing to society, we have embarked on a variety of measures to further ensure signs of a recovery in business performance. In the automotive industry, although there are signs that the pace of growth in EV sales will slow, the trend of shifting to electrification will remain unchanged, and we expect that the number of automobile production will remain at approximately the same level in the next fiscal year.

Under these circumstances, in Precision Dies Business and Precision Parts Business in the next fiscal year, net sales are expected to increase slightly based on the aforementioned trends in the automotive industry. Meanwhile, in Filter Business, we expect an increase in sales to major users.

With regard to the outlook for the next term based on the above overview, we expect consolidated sales to be 11,900 million yen(up 5.1% from the same period of the previous year), operating income to be 80 million yen(operating loss of 42 million yen from the same period of the previous year), ordinary income to be 100 million yen(up 54.0% from the same period of the previous year), and net income attributable to owners of the parent to be 50 million yen(up 11.1% from the same period of the previous year).

Progress of the Medium-Term Management Strategy /

The medium-term management strategy is proceeding steadily with the three main pillars:
CHANGE ① Create Value for Customers with VSOP* Spirit ,CHANGE ② Build a Company that Allows Employees to Shine, and CHANGE ③ Contribute to Building a Sustainable Society.

Under our global strategy, Nichidai (Thailand) Ltd. became a wholly owned subsidiary on March 25, 2024, and we have put in place a structure to flexibly expand sales channels and develop new businesses in each of Precision Dies Business and Precision Parts Business.

In addition, we are implementing measures to increase motivation, such as holding meetings with employees as part of our human capital management initiatives. Furthermore, in order to contribute to the next generation of society as a company needed by society, we have decided on 12 materiality issues and have begun working on them.

VSOP: Vitality, Specialty, Originality, Passion. The mind that has been inherited since our inception. It is included in our management vision.

Working to further improve profitability amid uncertainty in the global economy

Our Group considers the return of profits to shareholders to be an important management policy. Our basic policy is to maintain stable dividends while securing the internal reserves necessary for future business development and strengthening of the management structure.
Based on this policy, we paid a year-end dividend of 2 yen per share, and combined with an interim dividend of 4 yen per share, we paid a total of 6 yen per share for the fiscal year. We also plan to pay an annual dividend of 6 yen per share for the next fiscal year, consisting of an interim dividend of 2 yen per share and a year-end dividend of 4 yen per share.

Over the past few years, the automotive market has plunged significantly, and conditions have continued to be severe for our group as well. In this context, we are promoting "CHANGE NICHINOVATION2026" initiatives, such as expanding sales to Asian countries and synergies in technological developments. In the next fiscal year,although the global economy remains uncertain, we will continue our efforts to increase profitability.We look forward to your continued guidance and encouragement.

Revised Plan for the fiscal year,
Actual result,Plan for the next fiscal year(Millions of Yen)

Table: Revised Plan for the fiscal year, Actual result,Plan for the next fiscal year
* Rounded down to the nearest million yen

Dividend per share

Graph: Dividend per share

Segment Overview

Graph: Segment Overview

Precision Dies Business

Graph: Net sales, Ordinary income / Income ratio

* Rounded down to the nearest million yen

Overview of the current fiscal year

The Japanese automotive industry, our main customer sector, showed signs of recovery throughout the year. In this context, the Precision Dies business saw an increase in sales to our major domestic users, along with a rise in overseas sales. As a result, sales amounted to 5,110 million yen (a 7.7% increase compared to the same period last fiscal year), and we achieved an ordinary income of 162 million yen (compared to an ordinary loss of 94 million yen in the same period last fiscal year)

Outlook for the next fiscal year

The production volume of Japanese automobile manufacturers is expected to remain at the same level as this term. Given this situation, we anticipate a steady increase in orders, full-year sales of 5,300 million yen (a 3.7% increase compared to the same period last fiscal year).

Precision Parts Business

Graph: Net sales, Ordinary income / Income ratio

* Rounded down to the nearest million yen

Overview of the current fiscal year

Although there are signs of recovery in the main models of turbocharger parts, overseas sales remained at a low level. As a result, sales amounted to 3,915 million yen (an 8.8% increase compared to the same period last fiscal year), and we recorded an ordinary loss of 163 million yen (compared to an ordinary loss of 222 million yen in the same period last fiscal year).

Outlook for the next fiscal year

Although sales are not expected to reach previous levels, we anticipate an increase in revenue, full-year sales of 4,200 million yen (a 7.3% increase compared to the same period last fiscal year).

Filter Business

Graph: Net sales, Ordinary income / Income ratio

* Rounded down to the nearest million yen

Overview of the current fiscal year

Due to the worsening economic conditions in China and other regions, both domestic and international sales were below the previous year's levels. As a result, sales amounted to 2,297 million yen (an 8.3% decrease compared to the same period last fiscal year), and an ordinary income was 67 million yen (a 73.3% decrease compared to the same period last fiscal year).

Outlook for the next fiscal year

Despite concerns about the impact of an uncertain global economy, we expect to capture demand from various industries, full-year sales of 2,400 million yen (a 4.5% increase compared to the same period last fiscal year).